The work done with devotion (shraadh) is known as shraadh. There is also a sunray called shraadh which rises at noon and provides elements essential for life to human beings and living beings conduct jaap, pooja (worship), anushthan, shraadh etc.. to provide power to that sunray. That’s why there is the tradition of conducting Shraadh in afternoon. Therefore as various necessities are required for survival similarly shraadh is essential for satisfaction of ancestors (pitra).Ancestors being satisfied by the Shraadh ceremony, bestows their blessings on their heirs in forms of happiness and propriety.

In Indian Hindu culture, three kinds of Shraadh have been described.

Different times and procedures have been determined for the human being to get relief from all the above-stated RINS.

But in today’s scientific era, due to polluted contemplations, human being are getting far away from all these activities which leads to various adverse consequences in form of pain, sorrow, failures, etc. Through Pooja, Vrat (Fasting), etc. human beings satisfy the devein. PITRARIN is satisfied though Shraadh etc. hence these ceremonies must be performed.

Shraadh ceremony shall not be performed in another’s home otherwise nothing is achieved if done so. According to shashtra, shraadh shall be performed only at religious places for getting its maximum benefits. If Shraadh is performed at religious places its benefits increases to eight times. According to Indian culture, the ashes of the funeral of the deceased person shall be flown into the Ganges and if possible then it shall be performed at some religious spots.

Shraadh is a kind of duty that needs to be performed by the heirs of the deceased person. The ritual is performed according to the ritual mentioned in the Vedas and Granthas, which can give individuals great benefits. We at Pitramoksh, perform the shraddha according to the procedure mentioned in the Granthas and Vedas. Once the ceremony is done, the soul of the deceased gets relief and all your impediments and obstacles will be eradicated forever.

We have knowledgeable priests who can perform the shraddha in a great way and do not charge you excessive amounts. We do not have frauds in our team as we know the importance of such ceremonies and the emotions of the people attached to such ceremonies. We can assure you quality Pooja that is according to our Hindu tradition.

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