This is performed after the funeral ceremony. This process includes recollecting ashes and bones into any pottery or mantle box. Then this collected material is flown into the Ganges in Kashi or Prayagraj (Allahabad)  following the rules which have been clearly stated in literature such as VEDAS. This process of Asthi Visarjan is done within months or years. Asthi Visarjan is an ancient tradition.

Varanasi, also known as Kashi, is considered as the city of Moksh and it is believed that whoever dies in Kashi gets relieved from the cycle of birth and death. This is the main reason that during the last stages of their life people come to Varanasi and remain in the city till their last breath. Also if a person died outside Kashi but his or her asthi were taken to Kashi and immersed in Ganga he or she will definitely attain salvation. The story behind this firm belief is as follows:

It is said that once there was a Brahmin, he was living with his wife far from Kashi and he never followed any of the Hindu rituals which is necessary for a Brahmin. Once he was wandering in the forest when a tiger attacked him and killed him. A vulture was watching all this and waiting for the tiger to leave the place so that he can also eat the remaining flesh. After eating his food tiger went away leaving some uneaten flesh and bones at that place. Now vulture picked a piece of his flesh and flew into the sky. At the same time, messengers of Yam Raj came there and took the soul of that Brahmin with them to hell. There Yam Raj decided to punish him for not following any of the Hindu rituals in his lifetime and sentenced him. Meanwhile, the same vulture was flying over the river Ganga in Kashi with the piece of flesh in his mouth and accidentally some parts of that flesh fell into the river. Same time in the Yam Lok, where the execution of that Brahmin was going on, angels came from heaven and informed Yamraj that they came there to take that Brahmin with them to heaven as his mortal remains( Asthi) has been immersed in Ganga and he has now attained Moksh.  It is only because of asthi visarjan in Ganga at Kashi that the sins of that Brahmin faded away and his soul attained peace and salvation.

This is the reason why people want that after their death their cremated remains should be immersed in Ganga at Kashi and thousands of people take the cremated remains (Asthi) of their family members to Kashi after their death and perform the procedure of asthi visarjan. It is believed that the river Ganga possesses the power to wash all kinds of mortal sins and give Moksh to the soul.

We arrange the Asthi visarjan ceremony at Kashi/ Varanasi as per the request of our customers and the priest we selected for Asthi Visarjan are well-known Pundits of Varanasi. During Asthi Visarjan all the materials and boat service will be arranged by our local priests and Asthi visarjan will be carried out at Ganga Ghat of Kashi.

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